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UK’s latest HIV figures show the need to scale up HIV testing and prevention
Roger Pebody, 2015-11-19 14:10:00

The latest annual report by Public Health England shows that, although the number of gay men who have HIV without knowing it has declined in recent years, the United Kingdom’s HIV epidemic in gay men continues unabated. Incidence (the rate of new infections) remains high, new diagnoses are higher than ever before and prevalence (total number of people living with HIV) is also up.

Across the UK, one in 20 gay men is living with HIV; in London, one in eleven.

Among heterosexual men and women, provision and uptake of HIV testing remains a significant problem, resulting in significant numbers remaining undiagnosed, especially outside London. 

The National AIDS Trust responded to the data - released in a report yesterday - by calling for HIV testing and prevention programmes to be scaled up, rather than having their budgets slashed.
