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Douching does not seem to increase STI risk
Gus Cairns, 2012-04-18 15:10:00

Neither rectal douching nor vaginal washing appear to be as significantly associated with sexually transmitted infections as had been feared, the International Microbicides Conference in Sydney heard yesterday.

In the case of women, vaginal washing and other vaginal health practices have been associated with bacterial vaginosis (BV), an imbalance in the types of bacteria that colonise the mucous surfaces of the vagina. BV can cause pelvic inflammatory disease and premature delivery in pregnant women and is associated with a higher risk of both acquiring and transmitting HIV.

The HPTN 035 trial of the candidate microbicide PRO2000 therefore included a survey of vaginal health practices, counselling against ones associated with a raised risk of BV, and assessing any link between these practices and BV. It found none, though a smaller study of women in Los Angeles did find an association not with douching and BV, but between the use of petroleum jelly as a lubricant and BV.

In the case of rectal douching in women and gay men, there is very little we currently know about the practice. However, findings over the last couple of years that the use of lubricants for anal sex, particularly water-based ones, is associated with higher rates of sexually transmitted infections have raised concerns that other practices that impact on the fragile rectal mucosa may also raise the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. International Rectal Microbicide Advocates (IRMA) have therefore conducted a survey of rectal douching practice. Interim results were presented yesterday and the survey is still ongoing.
