The competencies were launched in June 2007. Since then there have been several HIV Nursing Journal editions dedicated to one competency theme and several presentations relating to competencies at both NHIVNA Study Days and at the NHIVNA Annual Conference. In fact, the competencies have driven the study day programme for the past few years and feedback has been very positive.
We hear of some examples of the competencies being used in practice and will be placing some of these on the NHIVNA website in the near future. We are particularly interested in hearing from members who are applying the competencies to their clinical practice, job descriptions, teaching programmes and career planning, so we can broaden the scope and understand a little more about how the competencies are being utilised. So please contact us via the Secretariat f you have examples of how you have implemented the competencies in your workplace and would be happy to have these placed on the website.
We have since reached the three-year mark since the launch of the competencies, and are now in the process of formally auditing the competencies on a national level in order to update them accordingly, possibly adding in competencies for healthcare assistant workers in HIV. We will keep you informed of this through the usual channels and as always, we welcome your contribution and feedback.
Click here for more information about the National HIV Nursing Competencies.
NHIVNA has conducted an initial audit of the HIV Nursing Competencies launched in 2007 to assess their impact and relevance in current practice.You can read a report of the results of the Evaluation of the NHIVNA National HIV Nursing Competencies here.