The National HIV Nurses Association is now an NIHR non-commercial Partner following self-declaration by the organisation.
Appropriate research studies funded through your organisation's eligible funding streams are now automatically eligible for NIHR Clinical Research Network (CRN) support and therefore entitled to:
- Use the NIHR Coordinated System for gaining NHS Permissions (NIHR CSP) which is accessed via the Integrated Research Application System (IRAS)
- Access NHS support via the NIHR Clinical Research Network.
Please note that to be eligible for NIHR CRN support any research study that you fund must also meet the standard study eligibility criteria, namely that it:
- Requires NHS Research Ethics Committee approval and NHS permission
- Is a discrete structured research project with an appropriate study protocol
- Is of clear value to the NHS
- Involves NHS patients, staff, premises, facilities or resources
Please refer to the following websites for further information about:
NIHR Clinical Research Network Portfolio
Currently, the NHIVNA Research Grants programme has been suspended due to lack of available funds. However, NHIVNA has made applications for funding and will open the grants programme as soon as possible.