NHIVNA HIV Nursing Modules
Now updated to meet the requirements for NMC revalidation!
The NHIVNA HIV Nursing Modules (previously HIVinsight E-learning modules) have been updated and re-launched during 2016 with the aim of continuing to support nurses who are working toward Levels 2 and 3 of the National HIV Nursing Competencies, whether working in a hospital or community setting.
Participation in the NHIVNA HIV Nursing Modules is free of charge and access is open to all. If you do not already have a NHIVNA website account, please click here to register.
Module 7 - Treatment as Prevention (TasP) - module no longer available
There is a time limit of 1 hour to work through each tutorial. In order to show learning and enhance your portfolio, please choose one of the Case Studies at the end of each tutorial. There is also a form for you to provide feedback at the end, which must be completed within this time. Once you have completed the feedback form, you will be issued with a certificate of participation.