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Guidelines and Position Papers

NHIVNA position statement on clinical supervision

Overview of the situation

It is becoming increasingly more apparent the pressures that healthcare workers experience, with stress burnout and compassion fatigue significantly impacting on the nursing workforce. To explore the needs of the membership NHIVNA commissioned a research project that explored the psychological cost of caring for HIV nurses (COCHIV). The research undertaken highlighted the need to support HIV nurses with the emotional and psychological impact of providing patient care within the context of an ever-evolving HIV care landscape.

The importance of clinical supervision is being acknowledged within the literature and wider nursing forums as being a source of psychological and emotional support for nurses. Within some areas the role of the Professional Nurse Advocate led to the use of retroactive supervision style of supervision being implemented.

NHIVNA advocates that the purpose of clinical supervision extends beyond that of its restorative function and would argue that core elements of supervision enable learning, sharing of practice, self-refection and the enhancement of professional education and knowledge.

Within nursing there are several different factors as to why clinical supervision may not be embedded within clinical practice. It is, however, widely recognised the importance of reflective practice both in terms of NMC regulatory requirement of revalidation and the role reflection brings to the ensure the safety critical role nurses play for the public.

It is through the lens of reflective practice that NHIVNA positions itself with regards to clinical supervisions. NHIVNA views reflective practice as being synonymous with clinical supervision.

Click here to read the NHIVNA position statement

NHIVNA position statement on clinical supervision

Advanced Nursing practice in HIV care

Guidelines for nurses, doctors, service providers and commissioners

These guidelines are unique and should be regarded as not only a first in HIV nursing, but a first in the nursing profession.

Click here for more information

HIV Home Testing Kits – NHIVNA position statement

The Department of Health revealed that from April 2014 HIV-positive healthcare workers on combination antiretroviral therapy who have an undetectable viral load will be able to carry out all dental and surgical procedures. The findings are based on up-to-date scientific evidence, which brings the UK in line with most Western countries.

A new confidential register run by Public Health England will monitor the treatment and viral load of HIV-infected doctors, dentists and nurses every 3 months to safeguard patients. The Department of Health emphasised that the decision allowing an HIV-positive healthcare worker to undertake certain procedures will be made on a case-by-case basis.

The new regulations will also allow people to buy self-testing HIV kits to use at home from April 2014. This will enable the testing kits to be regulated, ensuring people are buying kits that have been properly tested for accuracy.

If the home test shows a positive reaction the user will be advised that this is a reactive result and will need confirmation. The individual will need to access a healthcare setting for a confirmatory test to establish if they have HIV infection.

Click here to read the NHIVNA position statement

Standards of care for people living with HIV - NHIVNA position statement

In 2013, the British HIV Association (BHIVA), working in partnership with care providers, professional associations, commissioners and people living with HIV, produced a set of quality standards for the care of people with HIV in the UK.

They covered 12 key themes, prioritised as being the most important issues for the care of people with HIV. Derived from the best available evidence, the Standards focus on aspects of care that have particular relevance for delivering equitable high-quality services that secure the best possible outcomes for people with HIV.

Click here to read the NHIVNA position statement

Read more information and download the Standards of care for people living with HIV (2013)

2018 UPDATE - Download the British HIV Association (BHIVA) Standards of care for people living with HIV (2018)

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BHIVA guidelines

Since the 1990s, the British HIV Association (BHIVA) has been producing guidelines for the management of HIV infection, which, while primarily intended for the use of UK physicians, have international influence.

View all current BHIVA guidelines

BHIVA guidelines summaries

These non-technical versions of BHIVA guidelines were commissioned by BHIVA and produced by NAM (

NAM's information is intended to support, rather than replace, consultation with a healthcare professional. Talk to your doctor or another member of your healthcare team for advice tailored to your situation.

View the BHIVA guidelines summaries