Resources > International year of the nurse and midwife

International year of the nurse and midwife

Ask the HIV Nurse / Talk 2 the HIV Nurse

HIV Nurses listen, care, manage and support people living with HIV. WHO has declared 2020 as the ‘International year of the nurse and midwife’ and this campaign aims to raise the profile of nurses working in HIV nationally and globally by promoting our best characteristics.

Who can participate

Nurses working in the field of HIV, other health care professionals and people living with HIV, the general public, anyone who supports the work of HIV nurses.

How you can participate

With one of the following ways:

A. Print one of the signs and take a photo of yourself holding the sign. Signs can be printed or shown on an iPad as long as the sign is clear. Try to avoid fusing a flash. For ease with social media purposes the photos ideally need to be square with the sign and nurse are clearly in the frame and in focus. Visit the page: and upload your picture.

B. Take your picture as above and post on your own social media page using the hashtags: #asktheHIVnurse, #talk2theHIVnurse #talktotheHIVnurse (even though we highly appreciate the support please note that in this case your photos will not be used in our campaign unless you send us the image to the link above)

C. HIV Nurses have the opportunity to submit more information to showcase their experience and highlight their expertise. Follow the above process for the photo but submit online: ( filling in the questionnaire.

The campaign will run on social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook) as well as the NHIVNA website. Some will be stand-alone pictures with nurse information, on some we will add tag lines such as;

  • "Didn't understand what you were told in your HIV appointment?"

  • "Worried about your mental health?"

  • "Want advice on healthy living?"

  • "Concerned about your adherence?"

  • "Don't understand what U=U is?"

  • "Did you want to discuss something with the doctor but didn’t have time?"

  • "Want advice on stopping smoking?"

  • "Concerned about your drug use?"

  • "Want to talk about PrEP?"

Throughout 2020 we plan to target global and national health awareness days/weeks such as men's health, women's health, smoking cessation, mental health, cancer etc. ( You can do the same in your countries as some days differ.

The "Ask the HIV Nurse/Talk 2 the HIV Nurse" signs can be translated and printed locally as long as they still read "Ask the HIV nurse" and/or "Talk to the HIV nurse" in your language.

Poster downloads

A3 Landscape - Ask the HIV Nurse

A3 Landscape - Talk 2 the HIV Nurse

A3 Portrait - Ask the HIV Nurse

A3 Portrait - Talk 2 the HIV Nurse

A4 Portrait - Ask the HIV Nurse

A4 Portrait - Talk 2 the HIV Nurse

Please contact us for any support you need to adapt the campaign locally and to add your organisation’s logo.

Many thanks,

Shaun Watson & Christina Antoniadi (NHIVNA Executive)
Contact info: