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HIV-related news from NAM

NAM European HIV prevention survey: final results
Gus Cairns, 2014-07-28 10:20:00

A pan-European survey of opinions about HIV prevention methods, conducted by NAM last year and answered by prevention experts and advocates from 20 European countries, has found that expanding HIV testing was universally regarded as the prevention priority that was accorded the most importance in their area, with condom provision as the second most important. When asked what priority should be given to various different prevention methods, while testing and condoms were still recommended as the most important priorities, the priority for treatment as prevention and pre-exposure prophylaxis received big increases in their priority score, while the prevention of mother-to-child-transmission, needle and syringe exchange and, especially, opiate substitution therapy, were marked down in terms of popularity.

A report on the English-language answers for the survey has already appeared on This supplements that report by adding in the 30% of answers in French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish, which increases the number of respondents’ countries of residence from 16 to 21.

The NAM prevention opinion and beliefs survey appeared on and ran between 15 July and 4 October last year. It was targeted at people working in HIV prevention organisations in Europe, though anyone was free to participate, and it was answered by 243 people, with 71% (173) answering in English.
