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FRAX fracture prediction tool underestimates fracture risk in people with HIV
Theo Smart, 2015-03-18 10:30:00
The Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX), an online tool developed by the World Health Organization and used to help guide decisions about who to screen or treat in order to prevent bone fractures, underestimates overall risk of fracture in people living with HIV – even with an adjustment experts have recommended to improve its accuracy for people with HIV – according to an analysis of the Veterans Aging Cohort Study Virtual Cohort (VACS-VC) reported at the recent Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2015) in Seattle, USA.
Worse, using the thresholds currently recommended by US guidelines for screening and treatment did not discriminate well between those individuals actually at risk and those not at risk for future fractures, according to Michael Yin from Columbia University, who presented the study findings.