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A detectable CMV viral load could signal a high risk of mortality in older individuals hospitalised with HIV-associated TB
Theo Smart, 2016-08-09 07:50:00

A study conducted in a cohort of hospitalised HIV-associated TB coinfected adults from Khayelitsha found that having a detectable CMV viral load was associated with higher mortality within the first 12 weeks on TB treatment, according to Dr Amy Ward of the University of Cape Town who presented the findings at the 21st International AIDS Conference last month in Durban, South Africa

However, there was no clear evidence that CMV was the direct cause of increased mortality; and after adjustment for other risk factors, the strength of association with mortaliy was no longer statistically significant for the overall cohort. Nevertheless, among older adults (those who were 36 years old or older), both the likelihood of early mortality and CMV viraemia were increased,“ perhaps reflecting premature aging of the immune system,” Ward suggested.
