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Increasing diversity of sexual experience – major UK study
Roger Pebody, 2013-11-30 11:40:00

There has been significant change in British people’s sexual behaviour and attitudes in recent decades, according one of the largest studies ever conducted on the topic. The gender gap between women and men’s sexual behaviour is narrowing, many people have expanded their sexual repertoire, and there is good evidence of continuing sexual activity as people get older.

The study also shows that levels of HIV risk behaviours reported by heterosexual people have not increased over the past decade. In addition, one-in-forty men and one-in-thirty women report having a partner of the same sex in the previous five years.

The data comes from the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal), published in The Lancet this week. As this study recruited a large, representative sample from households throughout Great Britain, it is more likely than most other studies to give an accurate picture of sexual experience and behaviour across the population. An individual who has very little sex is as likely to be recruited as a person with multiple partners.
