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Australian survey finds that less than a third of gay men have committed relationships with just one partner
Gus Cairns, 2015-12-03 08:30:00
A large survey conducted through gay dating sites and Facebook in Australia has found that previous surveys may have overestimated the proportion of gay men who are in emotionally committed relationships, and in monogamous ones. Furthermore it found that these categories were not at all the same thing: a large proportion of men describing themselves as ‘being in a relationship’ also had partners outside the relationship, and a lot of men with only one regular partner did not see themselves as being in a relationship.
The authors of the ‘Monopoly’ study comment that previous surveys have failed to capture the complexity of gay men’s relationships. In particular, they have tended to classify partnerships as either ‘primary’ or ‘casual’, but this misses out a large proportion of men who had regular and sometimes longstanding, but less emotionally-committed relationships. When asked what words they would use to describe their relationships, those in emotionally-committed relationships used terms like ‘partner’ and ‘boyfriend’, but for those in more purely physical relationships the overwhelmingly most popular choice was ‘fuckbuddy’.