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Maraviroc may work as PrEP in combination with another drug – but probably not by itself
Gus Cairns, 2016-03-03 14:30:00

Two studies presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2016) outlined the first findings from the NEXT-PrEP study, otherwise known as HPTN 069. As its name indicates, it explores the option of using a drug or drugs for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) other than tenofovir + emtricitabine (Truvada), which is currently licensed in the US, France, South Africa, Kenya, Israel and – in a press release quietly issued on Monday – Canada.

What NEXT-PrEP has discovered so far indicates that the drug maraviroc (Celsentri, Selzentry) could have a role in PrEP when used alongside either of the component drugs in Truvada but is not potent enough to act as PrEP in itself.
