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Expanded HIV testing may find more acute infections as well as more late presenters
Gus Cairns, 2014-04-07 09:40:00

Expanding HIV testing into local hospitals and primary care may not only find more people who have lived with HIV for a long time without knowing it, but may also find more people who have only recently become infected, a pilot study from Vancouver in Canada has found. 

The study was presented in Vancouver itself, at last week’s 2014 Treatment as Prevention Workshop there. The workshop’s chair, Dr Julio Montaner, told delegates that the province of British Columbia, which has Vancouver as its largest city, has pioneered a policy of treating everyone with HIV on diagnosis, including its relatively high proportion of people who inject drugs. This has reduced HIV infections in the province from 18 per 100,000 in the general population (the highest in Canada) to 7 per 100,000, where some other Canadian provinces have seen increases.
