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HIV-related news from NAM

Vietnam will struggle to meet 90-90-90 targets without addressing barriers to HIV care for men who have sex with men
Roger Pebody, 2017-03-20 07:20:00

Men who have sex with men in Vietnam risk being left behind as the country strives to achieve UNAIDS’ 90-90-90 targets for diagnosis, treatment and viral suppression, according to a qualitative study published online ahead of print in Culture, Health and Sexuality.

Health services need to make greater efforts to provide services that are acceptable and responsive to the needs of men who have sex with men, the authors say. In particular, better pre-test counselling, peer support and respect for confidentiality is needed to help men accept an HIV-positive diagnosis and engage with treatment services.

A separate study, from the very different context of Swaziland’s generalised epidemic, also highlights the need for health services to do more to help people come to terms with an HIV-positive diagnosis, if 90-90-90 targets are to be achieved.
