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Injectable rilpivirine shows promise in phase I trials – but may work better for anal than vaginal sex
Gus Cairns, 2014-11-01 19:40:00

A phase one dose-finding and safety study in humans of TMC278 LA, a long-acting, injectable formation of the antiretroviral (ARV) drug rilpivirine, found that a single 1200-mg dose could produce sustained drug levels in rectal tissues that could offer protection against HIV for three months, and did in fact suppress viral replication in so-called explants (biopsies of rectal mucosal cells) for that length of time.

However – and to the surprise of researchers presenting this study at the HIV Research for Prevention conference in Cape Town – drug levels seen in vaginal and cervical cells were only about half of those seen in rectal cells, and viral replication was not suppressed in vaginal and cervical biopsies taken from women given TMC278LA.
