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Up to a quarter of HIV-negative gay men attending three English clinics used PrEP in the last year
Gus Cairns, 2017-11-13 07:40:00

A prospective cohort study of gay men attending three clinics in southern England – 56 Dean St and Mortimer Market Centre in London and the Brighton and Hove SHAC (Sexual Health & Contraception) service – have found that 23% of HIV-negative service users who responded to a follow-up questionnaire had used PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) in the last year.

These interim results from the AURAH2 study were presented recently at the 16th European AIDS Conference (EACS 2017) in Milan.

There was tentative evidence that some men may have started switching from PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) as their favoured method of managing possible HIV exposure.

However, this figure is likely to be higher than the actual proportion of clinic users taking PrEP, as there was a high drop-out rate in the survey and a lot of people who completed baseline questionnaires did not return to fill one out a year later.

A second survey just from Dean Street, conducted last April, found that 15% of its eligible gay male service users who had come in for an STI checkup were taking PrEP.
