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HIV epidemic will spring back without near-universal diagnosis and treatment, says UNAIDS
Gus Cairns, 2014-12-01 11:20:00

“Without scale-up, the AIDS epidemic will continue to outrun the response, increasing the long-term need for HIV treatment and increasing future costs.” These are among the opening words of the 2014 “Fast Track” report issued by UNAIDS, the Joint UN Programme on HIV and AIDS, explaining the thinking behind their campaign for an ambitious ‘90/90/90’ target, previewed at the International AIDS Conference in Melbourne this July.

This target means that 90% of people with HIV should be diagnosed, 90% of those on treatment and 90% of those virally suppressed (having an undetectable viral load) – implying that 72.9% of all the people with HIV in the world would be on treatment with an undetectable viral load, a feat never achieved for any infectious disease.
