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HIV-related news from NAM

Six in ten US HIV infections are transmitted by people who know they have HIV but are not in care
Gus Cairns, 2015-04-07 10:30:00

The majority of HIV in the USA is transmitted by people who know they have HIV but are not in care, a study recently in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows.

The study also found that being virally suppressed equated to a 94% reduction in the likelihood of transmission compared to people who were undiagnosed. However it found that even in people who were not taking antiretroviral therapy (ART), simply being retained in medical care was associated with a 60% reduction in the likelihood of transmitting HIV.

Another study found that about one in four to one in five people with HIV in medical care in the US had a viral load above 1500 copies/ml, indicating they could potentially infect another person.
